A Few Moments of Peace and Quiet!

My goodness life is moving at a fast pace at the moment and I'm trying to cram so much in.  Those moments of peace and quiet are rare and golden!  Molly Mouse knows all about that, she's grabbing 5 minutes of calm to drink her tea in peaceful serenity before the children arrive home from school and chaos ensues!


Time for a Bit of Hygge!

Being with the ones we love, creating happy experiences, atmosphere and a homely environment, who doesn't love a bit of Hygge!  Although Christmas has come and gone, I am still working on my Christmas portfolio along with a whole host of other lovely peeps led by Victoria Johnson.  Yup, I signed up for a second round of Create Christmas and week 1 was all about Christmas Hygge.  Perfect while the temperatures outside are on the minus scale, the wind is howling and the rain is unrelenting.  So, here's my take on a folk design with a Swedish Dala Horse.


Mats Bootcamp 2018 - Inside My Bag!

It's come back around to that time of year again and Mats Bootcamp is here at last, along with a familiar buzz, as friends old and new come together to create art from all corners of the globe.  Artists on the whole tend to be a kindly bunch and the Mats community is full of inspiration and support.  It attracts the real pro's, the beginners and everything in between and I always come away feeling utterly enriched and often with a new friend or two.  The days leading up to the first assignment are filled with the kind of excitement you feel as a little kid waiting for Christmas!  So it is with great joy that I can share with you what I've been getting up to during this first week of the mini assignment: 'What's in My Bag'.  This has been a fascinating exercise, I suppose we don't often analyse exactly what we carry around with us everyday, but the process of doing just that has strangely taught me a great deal about myself and my own personal style.


Enjoying the Little Things: Patterns

My adventure in simple patterns with CreativeBug has been continuing in the background of other work.  It's so therapeutic and is a great way to try some different colour combinations and become acquainted with my beautiful set of Turner Acryl Gouache.  At some point I'd like to come back to the paisley and paint it in several colour ways.  But for now the month ahead is very full with various other arty projects.  
