This years first round of the GTS is finally upon us! We received the brief two weeks ago and deadline was today. A journal cover which included; Japanese Anemones, Stag-horn Ferns, Hand Lettering and an optional figure. I've been hidden away, immersed in creative bliss and enjoying every minute of the process and am pleased to have a new piece of work for my portfolio. Meanwhile, the results of the first round will be published on Friday, along with the gallery of entries which promise to be a feast for the eyes. There are only 50 artists chosen to get through to the next round and the standard of work is just incredible, I have been genuinely blown away as my Instagram feed fills up with visual gorgeousness. The judges are going to have a difficult task ahead of them, I certainly would find it very hard to whittle down. This is the stuff hopes and dreams are made of and I wish all of my fellow artists, many of whom are friends, the best of luck as we all hold our breath and wait until Friday!
Peony Love!
I seem to be updating everything at the moment while also quietly working away on my Global Talent Search entry, I'll share that here in the next few days. In the meantime though, I've just created a new logo based around my current obsession with peonies!
MATS Portfolio Live Review
The latest MATS class I've been working on is the Portfolio Review. Taking the class is transforming the way I think about my website and I've picked up so many tips that I genuinely wouldn't even have considered. Gradually, I'm managing to make my own improvements. I've just created this little hand-painted banner for the top of my home page.
MATS Bootcamp - Suffragettes
Back in March we were given a Bootcamp assignment on the Suffragettes. While researching the project I discovered so much I didn't already know about these brave and remarkable women. I had no idea of just how much they suffered in the name of votes for women. Many of them went on hunger strikes while they were in prison and were brutally force fed with tubes being stuck down their throats or even up their nostrils while being physically restrained. The abuse they experienced effected their physical health for the rest of their lives. It is truly humbling to consider the sacrifices these women made for the benefit of all women in Western civilisations today. While there were many of these extraordinary women who made up the Suffragette movement, I particularly researched a leading figure: Emmeline Pankhurst who in their desperation to be heard, encouraged militant tactics. She founded the all women political organisation the WSPU (Womens Social and Political Union) in 1905 whose slogan was 'deeds not words'. Against much criticism, she encouraged her members to use extreme measures such as arson. She died in 1928, just weeks before the vote for all women aged over 21 was granted on 2nd July. A memorial of her can be found near the houses of parliament.
Repeat Pattern in Blue & White
It's been 3 days since the snow came to Devon, the first snow in 5 whole years and our first ever 'Red' weather warning. Everything really came to a standstill, the UK isn't equipped to deal with these weather conditions. All the local schools closed, much to the children's delight and we now have igloos and snowmen scattered around the garden. In the meantime, I have taken the opportunity to stay warm and concentrate on learning about seamless repeat patterns in photoshop. I've taken some of the icons from my vase of flowers to make this repeat pattern to be used as wrapping paper with my Mothers Day card for Folio Focus. It's taken forever to learn, but I have finally achieved what a year ago, seemed like the impossible!
Flowers for Mothers Day
It's week 3 of Folio Focus and our brief is all about Mothers Day! I've been desperately wanting to illustrate some vases of flowers for ages but haven't found the time. I'm thinking that I might make this one into a print when I open my Etsy shop later in the year.